Our Church is in interregnum at this time. This means that we do not have a Priest.
If you have an enquiry, please contact the Churchwarden –
Mr Colin Naylor, Tel: 07889 088927,
Email naylorcolin@aol.com
or Lynda Starbrook, Tel 07790 669772
Weddings: Jan Travis
Tel: 01302 886388
Baptisms: Margaret Otterwell
Tel: 07952 980639
Funerals: Tom Cutts
Tel: 01302 883948
Tom Cutts (Church Administrator) and Colin Naylor (Churchwarden) are seen showing their appreciation for the kind donation of a coffee machine, coffee pods, biscuits and items to use with the machine by Steve Warrender from I.T To Go.

Steve has supported the Church over the years in terms of improving and maintaining the Church computer and audio-visual equipment.
The equipment has been incorporated into the refreshments corner of the Church and will be regularly used.
Steve Warrender
I.T. To Go – Computer Services
Unit 7, Bootham Lane Ind Est, Dunscroft, Doncaster, DN7 4JU